
Are you looking for a completely different streaming service? Want something that offers you tons of content for a low monthly price? Look no further, because Hulu is the app for you.

hulu app icon

Hulu is one of the top-rated streaming services in the world, offering a huge choice of content for all viewers.

What is Hulu?

hulu app

Hulu is a streaming service from the Walt Disney Company, and it offers a vast library of on-demand and live viewing via a choice of subscriptions. Its focus is on streaming newer shows, blockbuster movies, documentaries, originals, and independent movies, but it covers virtually all genres and offers plenty of family-friendly content.

Hulu App Features:

As one of the more popular streaming services, it stands to reason that Hulu offers lots of features for all users:

  • Choice of subscriptions to suit all budgets
  • Watch exclusive Hulu original content
  • Watch thousands of movies, TV series, documentaries and more
  • Stream live TV
  • Powerful recommendation engine recommends new content based on what you already watched.
  • Create up to six profiles and customize them
  • Supported on multiple devices
  • Watch on two screens simultaneously
  • Access to premium networks like Paramount+, MAX, and more for an additional fee
  • Loads more cool features

Here are your subscription choices:

  • Hulu With Ads: $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year
  • Hulu With No Ads: $18.99 per month. Includes the option to download some titles for offline viewing.
  • Hulu + Live TV With Ads: $82.99 per month
  • Hulu + Live TV With No Ads: $95.99 per month

Hulu with or with ads is currently offering a 30-day free trial so grab it now while it lasts. The Hulu + Live options are both offering 3 days free and also give you full access to ESPN+ and Disney+ – all your viewing in one place with no need for multiple subscriptions.

How to Download Hulu:

Hulu is a firm favorite for millions of viewers, and downloading it is as simple as clicking the link below and following the simple guide:

Download Link Page

Once installed, pick your subscription, set up your account, and start streaming.


Hulu works on lots of different devices:

  • iOS: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch on iOS 18 or later
  • Android: Version 7.2 or later
  • Apple TV: tvOS 15.3 or later

And you can use it on your streaming boxes, desktop platforms, smart TVs, and some game consoles too.

The upper-end subscriptions to Hulu might seem pricey but you mustn’t forget that you also get full access to Disney+ and ESPN+, bundled in with it. Overall, Hulu offers great value for money, given what it offers, and is certainly one of the most popular choices for live and on-demand streaming, including all the latest movies and shows. Download Hulu onto your device today and don’t forget to grab your free trial before it disappears.